Prices and Promotions
Useful information concerning all our publications can be found on this website. In your shopping basket, we repeat the most important details of your order. The prices stated don't include VAT. UK delivery is always included.
What conditions need to be met in order to benefit from a reduced price / promotion?
Special offers and promotions only apply on our website. They are and are time-limited. The special offer price will be applied automatically.
Special offer prices are only valid for a completely new subscription and for the first year. The subscription covers the calendar year and is automatically renewed (at full cost) unless it is cancelled before the due date.
How to use my promotion code?
Please note that promotion codes are only valid:
- On the Lefebvre website;
- For the products and services ‘available’ or in preorder on the website at the time you order (the ‘forthcoming’ and ‘unavailable’ works are not affected);
- Subject to stock being available;
- On the dates mentioned in the offer.
You will be asked to add the promotion code when you order.
Promotions cannot be combined. If you already have a regular discount, the most advantageous reduction will always apply.
What should I do if my promotion code does not work?
If your promotion code does not work, check that:
- It's been properly entered and that no characters are missing.
- The product or service to which the promotion applies is still available.
- The validity date has not expired.
- You have not used a one-time only code.
- If you’re still in doubt, please contact our Customer Services department.
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