Essential Documents HR Management

A Tips & Advice book about...
In a nutshell
Use this book to manage your staff in a productive, legally secure way. It contains a set of documents that cover every possible workplace scenario, each one accompanied by an introduction explaining the law and how to get the most from it. This edition contains over 200 documents including employed or self-employed checklist, response to employment particulars request, letter proposing a change to pay date, notice to cancel holiday, employee performance management record and more.
In detail
You'll find 200+ ready to use documents in this book, including letters, checklists, policies and procedures, split across 15 familiar sections:
- Recruitment and selection
- Appraisals, promotion and training
- Contracts of employment
- Company rules
- Pay and pensions
- Data protection
- Disciplinary, capability and dismissal
- Grievances
- Sickness absence
- Time off and holidays
- Work and parents
- Flexible working
- Redundancy
- Termination of employment
- EMPLOYMENT management
It comes with a free online service containing all the ready-to-use, easily accessible documents. It's sure to become your indispensable aid to effective HR management.
For who
We've created this Tips & Advice book especially for...
Employers, HR managers and supervisors, company owners that want to:
- Manage their staff in an effective, legally secure way
You'll get the following free extras with this Tips & Advice book...
An online service
- To immediately apply our advice and solutions in practice
- That you can easily adapt to suit your own requirements
Type of product | Book |
Version of support of product | Paperback |
Identifier (EAN / ISSN / Action Code) | 9781911707097 |
Name of collection | Tips & Advice Books |
Weight | 2000 g |
Availability | In stock |
Access to exercice | No |
Publisher | Lefebvre UK |
Language of the product | EN |
Publication Date | Sep 21, 2022 |
Access to Strada Be | No |
Access to Strada EU | No |
Access to Strada LU | No |
In this Tips & Advice book you'll read about...
Chapter 1 - Recruitment and selection
Academic qualifications request
Acknowledgement of application letter
Application form
Character reference questionnaire
Equal opportunities monitoring form
Induction checklist
Internal statement announcing new employee
Interview expenses claim form
Invitation to attend interview letter
Invitation to attend second interview letter
IT security induction helpsheet
Job description and person specification
Letter advising social media will be disregarded
Letter declining a reference
Letter enclosing application form
Letter enquiring about reasonable adjustments
Letter requesting return of contract of employment
Making a job offer checklist
New starter checklist
New starter form
Notification of recruitment freeze letter
Personal statement review helpsheet
Pre-employment checklist
Recruitment checklist
Rejection of candidate after interview letter
Rejection of candidate before interview letter
Right to work checklist
Chapter 2 - Appraisals, promotion and training
Appraisal checklist
Appraisal procedure and form
Employee training record
Equal opportunities training record
Invitation to attend an appraisal meeting
Letter to discuss end of apprenticeship
Performance progress record
Training feedback form
Whistleblowing training record
Chapter 3 - Contracts of employment
Employed or self-employed checklist
Letter enclosing contract of employment
Letter enclosing copy of employee’s contract of employment
Response to employment particulars request
Statement of employment particulars checklist
Chapter 4 - Company rules
Corporate hospitality report form
Employee weekly timesheet
Letter confirming charity cake bake rules
Letter enclosing a company policy
Letter permitting employee to offer gift/hospitality
Letter requiring removal of social media postings
Letter seeking consent to staggered start times
Letter to employee who accepts a gift/hospitality without approval
Letter to employee who is imposing strong beliefs
Letter to employee who offers a gift/hospitality without approval
Notice to discuss dress policy breach
Policy version form
Property issued to employee form
Social distancing reminder memo
Staff toilet upkeep memo
Workplace sweepstake rules
Chapter 5 - Pay and pensions
Employee expenses claim form
Letter advising of NMW rate increase (due to age)
Letter advising of NMW rate increase (due to legislation)
Letter proposing a change to pay date
Letter rejecting expenses claim
Overpayment of wages letter
Pension auto-enrolment: record of employees enrolled
Real Living Wage increase advice letter
Chapter 6 - Data protection
Change of circumstances form
GDPR data subject access request form
GDPR data subject rights clarification/refusal
GDPR employee data processing checklist
GDPR erasure of data request form
GDPR erasure of data response letter
GDPR personal data breaches register
GDPR rectification of data request form
GDPR rectification of data response letter
GDPR register of data subject access requests
GDPR time extension for data subject rights response
Letter to employee’s emergency contact
Record of personal data processing activities
Chapter 7 - Disciplinary, capability and dismissal
Dealing with poor performance checklist
Disciplinary proceedings checklist
Employee disciplinary record
Employee performance management record
Letter enclosing witness confidentiality agreement and undertaking
Letter excluding employee from disciplinary hearing
Letter rescheduling performance review meeting
Letter warning actions will be viewed as potential gross misconduct
Minutes of disciplinary hearing
Minutes of performance review meeting
Misconduct checklist
Post-dismissal checklist
Pre-dismissal checklist
Tribunal preparation checklist
Witness confidentiality agreement and undertaking
Witness statement checklist
Witness statement record
Chapter 8 - Grievances
Employee grievance record
Grievance drafting guidance
Grievance form
Grievance investigation plan
Grievance investigation report
Minutes of grievance meeting
Response to ex-employee’s grievance
Chapter 9 - Sickness absence
Counselling form
Employee absence record form
Incapacity checklist
Initial letter to sick employee
Invitation to attend return to work interview
Letter chasing statement of fitness for work
Letter confirming temporary work alterations
Letter declining fit note recommendations
Letter enclosing Form SSP1
Letter following review of employee initially not fit for work
Letter requesting home visit with sick employee
Letter requiring statement of fitness for work
Letter reviewing temporary work alterations
Letter seeking authenticity of statement of fitness for work
May be fit for work acknowledgement letter
Not fit for work acknowledgement letter
Record of home visit with sick employee
Return to work interview form
Self-certification of sickness absence form
Chapter 10 - Time off and holidays
Holiday request form
Letter confirming a career break
Letter rejecting holiday request
Letter rejecting request for a sabbatical
Letter to bereaved employee
Notice to cancel holiday
Reminder to take holiday
Request to apply for jury service deferral
Request to carry over holiday form
Special leave request form
Time off in lieu form
Chapter 11 - Work and parents
Adoption leave checklist
Adoption leave request form
Disrupted adoption leave form
Family emergencies absence form
Job vacancy letter during parent-related leave
Letter explaining “keeping in touch” days
Letter inviting employee to attend a keeping in touch day
Letter inviting employee to attend a SPLIT day
Maternity checklist
Parental leave request form
Paternity leave request form
Pre-family leave meeting invitation
Pregnancy-related absence form
Refusal of a parental leave request
Response to antenatal appointment request
Standard paternity leave checklist
Chapter 12 - Flexible working
Flexible working application form
Homeworking checklist
Letter reminding employee of flexible working arrangement terms
Response to amendment of flexible working application
Response to invalid flexible working request
Trial flexible working arrangement extension letter
Trial flexible working curtailment letter
Chapter 13 - Redundancy
Letter confirming employee not redundant
Letter to wider workforce about redundancy situation
Time off to look for work on redundancy letter
Chapter 14 - Termination of employment
Internal statement announcing employee’s departure
Invitation to attend an exit interview
Leaver’s checklist
Leaver’s details form
Letter advising employee has died
Letter advising employee has left
Letter enclosing P45 and/or final salary pay slip
Letter seeking recovery of training costs
Letter to ex-employee requesting information
Chapter 15 - Personnel management
Access to Work memo
Agency worker day one right response letter
Agreement for loan repayment
Bribery report form
Checklist of practical steps to protect businesses from breaches of confidentiality
Confirmation of performance improvement measures
Disability agreed adjustments record
Employment overview record
Gifts report form
Health questionnaire for night workers
Informal meeting request
Internal announcement of employee’s return to work
Invitation to absent employee to work-related event
Lay offs and short-time working checklist
Letter acknowledging whistleblowing disclosure
Letter asking about secondary work
Letter explaining opt-out rights for betting workers
Letter following informal discussion of minor misconduct
Letter following informal discussion of minor poor performance
Letter imposing a lay-off or short time working (in exercise of a specific contractual power)
Letter informing agency worker of rights after twelve weeks
Letter notifying outcome of whistleblowing disclosure
Letter seeking agreement to a lay-off or short time working
Letter to next of kin on death of employee
Loan application form
Notice of staff meeting outside normal working hours
Opt-out agreement
Register of keys and alarm codes
Right to search authorisation form
Road incident form
Shift swap request form
Staff discounts record
Staff questionnaire on employee engagement
Statement in advance of a work-related event
Sunday trading statutory rights statement
Sunday working opt-in letter
Suspension on medical grounds letter
Whistleblowing form