Essential Documents: Health, Safety and Environment Flow Charts

A Tips & Advice book about...
In a nutshell
This book guarantees that your health, safety and environment processes are watertight. It ensures compliance is taken care of, always in a legally secure and cost-effective way. Split across ten easy-to-navigate sections covering everything from accident management to workplace health and safety, it contains all the handy flow charts you’ll need.
In detail
Every health, safety and environment obligation you’re required to meet is process driven. You have to make sure all the boxes are ticked and have the correct procedures and documentation in place. But how can you be sure you’re travelling in the right direction? With its many flow charts, this book will be your guide. Each flow chart includes:
- A handy “how to use” summary
- A series of relevant questions for different possible scenarios
- A clear step-by-step path to follow
- Supplementary documents so you always get the full picture
You can easily adapt the documents to fit your organisation and incorporate them into your safety manual. Crafted by our experts, the flow charts and documents in this book will save you time and money and ensure compliance.
For who
We've created this Tips & Advice Book especially for...
Business owners, health and safety managers that want to:
- Have the correct health, safety and environment procedures and documentation in place
- Ensure compliance in a legally secure and cost-effective way
- Save time and money with our step-by-step flow charts
You'll get the following free extras with this Tips & Advice book...
An online service with ready-to-use documents
- To immediately apply our advice and solutions in practice
- That you can easily adapt to suit your own requirements
Type of product | Book |
Version of support of product | Paperback |
Identifier (EAN / ISSN / Action Code) | 9781911647836 |
Name of collection | Tips & Advice Books |
Weight | 730 g |
Availability | Temporarily unavailable |
Access to exercice | No |
Publisher | Lefebvre UK |
Language of the product | EN |
Publication Date | Oct 11, 2021 |
Access to Strada Be | No |
Access to Strada EU | No |
Access to Strada LU | No |
In this Tips & Advice Book you'll read about...
Chapter 1 - Accident management
Flow chart - accident investigation
Flow chart - near misses
Supplementary documents:
Contacting the HSE
Accident report form
Accident report form explanatory
Accident - witness statement
Accident investigation form
Accident/incident reporting policy
Near-miss report
Chapter 2 - Asbestos management
Flow chart - discovering asbestos-containing materials
Flow chart - asbestos management
Supplementary documents:
Asbestos management policy
Asbestos register
Asbestos management plan
Chapter 3 - Construction and refurbishment
Flow chart - contractor selection
Flow chart - contractor management
Flow chart - client responsibilities, Stage 1: project concept
Flow chart - client responsibilities, Stage 2: project planning
Flow chart - client responsibilities, Stage 3: project implementation
Flow chart - client responsibilities, Stage 4: project completion
Supplementary documents:
Client brief
Appoint a principal contractor letter
Contractor appraisal questionnaire
Pre-construction information checklist
Construction phase plan
Permit to work - CDM
Chapter 4 - Chemical safety
Flow chart - spill response
Flow chart - undertaking a COSHH assessment
Flow chart - when to carry out a COSHH assessment
Supplementary documents:
Preliminary COSHH assessment
COSHH/DSEAR assessment record
Chemical inventory sheet
Chapter 5 - Environmental concerns
Flow chart - non-conformances
Flow chart - environmental incident investigation
Supplementary documents:
Non-conformance and corrective action register
Environmental incident investigation report
Environment - incident - photo record
Environment - incident - witness statement
Chapter 6 - Machinery and equipment
Flow chart - cleaning a neat oil MWF system
Flow chart - cleaning a water-mix MWF system
Flow chart - work equipment selection
Flow chart - introducing work equipment
Flow chart - maintaining work equipment
Flow chart - how to comply with the DSE regulations
Flow chart - how to respond to a DSE assessment
Flow chart - PPE selection
Flow chart - PPE issuing and management
Supplementary documents:
Work equipment - safe system of work
Risk assessment machinery (blank)
Machinery maintenance record
Permit to work - machinery isolation
Display screen equipment - workstation assessment
PPE issue record
Safety harness record of issue
Personal fall protection
Chapter 7 - Management of health and safety
Flow chart - HACCP principles
Flow chart - H&S management organogram
Flow chart - health and safety audit
Flow chart - dealing with health and safety concerns
Flow chart - appointing members to a health & safety committee
Flow chart - product safety recall/withdrawal
Flow chart - does your building need an HMO licence (England)
Flow chart - driving licence checks
Supplementary documents:
Health and safety committee agenda
Health and safety committee constitution
Health and safety arrangements - audit
Product recall/withdrawal form
Chapter 8 - Occupational health
Flow chart - health checks at recruitment
Flow chart - health surveillance and checks
Flow chart - responding to staff illness
Flow chart - when to report an occupational disease
Flow chart - new and expectant mothers at work
Flow chart - night worker health
Supplementary documents:
Fit note checklist
Occupational health management checklist
Medical questionnaire
Risk assessment - pregnant staff
Chapter 9 - Safe systems of work and risk assessments
Flow chart - how to do a risk assessment
Flow chart - when a risk assessment is needed
Flow chart - method statements
Supplementary documents:
Risk assessment - blank
Risk assessment audit
Risk assessment - guidance
Method statement - master
Chapter 10 - Workplace
Flow chart - identifying a confined space
Flow chart - food deliveries
Flow chart - do you need a gas safety certificate?
Supplementary documents
Permit to work - confined spaces